the Project? Well, in this case the post. I’ve started on a bigger piece. Denise Morris Curt rang me this week. She is the impresario of the Meet the Artist’s Show and she shared some ideas about improving my booth. She had ideas about the layout and hanging more pieces and to have on BIG piece as an eye catcher. I thought all her ideas were good ones and will use them. In the meantime, the week is done and I don’t have much to show for it. I did finish a good read; ‘This is Not the Story you Think it Is’. I have to share this gem from Daisy, of the two Mommies and our pets. It makes me smile and I have it on my fridge. Well, I end this here and wish you all a good weekend. I’m planning on hitting our neighborhood yard sale and scoping out an Artisan’s fair in Newport.