IMG_6213Hooray to Staples! I had heard of  an “Engineer’s Print” on some of the crafty blogs. It is a large scale print you can have made at Staples for cheap. My print cost $7 and was done on the spot. I was so thrilled with it. I’m going to use it to jazz up my booth at this year’s RISD Holiday Sale. The sale is Saturday December 8th, from 10 – 5 pm. It is held at the Rhode Island Convention Center. Tonight you can find me at Studio Hop, doing a paper-cutting demo. They are having a Holiday Stroll all along Hope Street in Providence. I will be there from 5 to 8 (or 9). I had better get my act together. I spent a lovely afternoon at my Mom’s yesterday for her Danish Christmas lunch. Mmm, I’m still thinking of all the good things we ate, yum! Tak for sist Mom! Oh and here’s a picture from Santa’s mail room! I was addressing my X-mas cards and got 1/2 of them in the mail.IMG_6214IMG_6212